In these testing global times, we are aware of the significant increase in risks posed by cybercrime, viruses and fraud, specifically relating to the safety of our email account, website, phone numbers and bank account details.

We would like to remind everyone that our official website domain is If you ever receive any communication directing you to a URL with any changes, this is unlikely to be genuine. No page on our website will ever ask you to provide your payment information and it will not ask you to alter or add any sensitive personal information, as these are securely stored in a separate server.

We would also like to assure everyone that we will never send our bank account details in the body of an email, nor will they be changed by email during the course of any transaction. All official communication from our team will be sent through an email with the domain of “”. If you receive an email or any other communication purporting to be from someone at B P Collins LLP seeking to direct a payment to a bank account which differs from that which we have previously given you, it is highly unlikely to be genuine. Please do not reply to such emails nor act on any information contained within them.

If you believe that you received any communication which was compromised, contact our team immediately on 01753 889995,  01844 397397 or 0203 7781919.

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Simon Deans
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