With close to 40 years’ experience of working with divorced and separated couples, our family team offers advice for those who wish to reach a resolution with the minimum of animosity, cost and delay.
- Respect each other and communicate – separating couples often get bogged down in considering matters from their own perspective which you are unlikely to do if you remember that you were once a loving partnership which involved trust and respect. If you remember this you should be able to communicate which is especially important if there are children involved, because parents will have an ongoing relationship for the rest of their lives.
- Consider counselling – we often suggest counselling, not only for our clients, but for the couple, since it can be immensely helpful, both to the formal process and relations going forward, to have a discussion in a neutral environment in which each person can air how they feel and why they feel that way. Having good ongoing relations is so important where there are children, but where couples have been together for a long time there is likely to be a close bond with the relatives of the other and both may want that to continue. A couple are also likely to have mutual friends who will want to keep in touch with them both and being able to communicate with each other facilitates all of this.
- Understand the other person’s perspective and take time – try to put yourself in the shoes of your spouse. It is very rare that separating parties are in the same emotional place at the beginning. One person may have been thinking about ending the marriage for some time, which news may come as a complete shock to the other. If the marriage breaks down because one person has had an affair, the other spouse is likely to feel incredibly upset, hurt and betrayed. These feelings and issues will pervade the resolution of matters unless dealt with and addressed beforehand. Where time is not given and formal steps are pursued with inappropriate haste, a spouse’s feelings alternating between great sadness and anger will usually result in delay. This is often because that person feels scared about, what appears to them to be, their uncertain future rather than a wish to be difficult for its own sake. That person will also need time to grieve the loss of the future they thought they would have. How much time is needed will depend upon the individual, and also probably the circumstances of the breakdown, however we very rarely meet a client who 6 months or more down the line does not feel better, more positive and less entrenched than they did in the dark and grief stricken days of early separation. So taking a step back is likely to be beneficial.
- Seek legal advice and choose your lawyer carefully – look for a specialist, experienced family lawyer with whom you have rapport and empathy and one you do not feel intimidated by. It is often a good idea to get advice early on since if you know what to expect that should remove some of the uncertainty that is often felt, and discussions on a more informed basis are usually more constructive and productive. But do not take formal steps until you are ready to do so unless circumstances dictate a different timescale. Lawyers give advice, but remember it is your divorce and it is you who gives the instructions. Be wary of a lawyer who promises you the earth or who always agrees with what you say. While you may need firm guidance, you need to remain true to your own values and principles.
- Establish the facts – one of the first tasks in the resolution of matters is “fact finding” this to ascertain the resources and assets of the relationship and to understand all the issues that might impact upon the resolution of matters. A lawyer will provide guidance and advice about an appropriate outcome based on those facts, taking into account relevant legislation and judicial precedents and guidance.
- Be honest – do not play games, unless of course it is your aim and preference to pay significant amounts in legal fees and delay resolution.
For further information, contact our family team on enquiries@bpcollins.co.uk or 01753 889995.