Everybody will tell you that the two years of your training contract will fly by, but you never really realise how quickly the time goes until you’re halfway through.

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Having completed two seats and now almost at the end of my third, I have learnt some great skills which I have been able to carry forward through each seat.

Top tips:

1. Be open minded

It’s always a good idea to be open minded when joining a new department and get stuck into the work you are given. You may be surprised with how much you enjoy a specific area of law which you hadn’t initially anticipated a future in.

2. Get to know your team

One of the great things about being a trainee is that you get to know and work with so many people at the firm. With every seat change comes a whole new team and it is important to build a good working relationship with your team and also take time to get to know everybody.

3. Take onboard feedback

Every trainee will have a mid-seat and end of seat review with their supervisor. This is a good time to consider your strengths and things that you may be able to improve on going forward. It is helpful to consider your past reviews and feedback ahead of your next review. It is also beneficial to ask for feedback from the members of your team throughout your seat so you can continuously work on improving your skillset.

4. Stay organised

The volume of work in each department may fluctuate, but there will always be deadlines which need to be met. It is important to develop good organisation skills from the outset of your training contract and continue to develop this throughout your seats and adapt your workload accordingly. Having an organised to-do list will certainly help with staying on top of tasks.

My first year as a trainee solicitor at B P Collins has taught me a lot. I have gained some key skills which I will carry forward post qualification and I continue to learn new things daily. The two years really do fly by, so it is important to make the most of the trainee life, get stuck in and take up every opportunity!

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